How model equations are solved during storytelling

By including a Menu button assigned to the Run command in a story sequence for your model, you can run simulations during storytelling.

The software's integration methods are modified somewhat when you are running portions of the model in the midst of a story. The approach is to evaluate all diagram entities that are displayed on the diagram at the time the simulation is run. Those entities that are not showing (either because they have not been included in the story sequence or because they have not yet been unfurled in the story) are neutralized in the simulation. The following table summarizes the rules used by the software when evaluating equations within a storytelling sequence.

Type of equation logic within the entity How the entity is displayed within the story What happens
Constant in converter or flow It is showing A constant value is returned. The model user can change the value by hovering the mouse pointer over the entity, clicking in the hover value box, typing a new value, and then pressing ENTER.
Algebraic relationship in flow No inputs to the flow are displayed A constant value equal to 10% of the attached stock is returned. The model user can change the value by hovering the mouse pointer over the flow regulator, click in the hover value box, typing a new value, and then pressing ENTER.
Algebraic relationship in converter or flow All inputs to the converter or flow are displayed The full equation is evaluated using all input values. The model user cannot directly change the value returned by the converter or flow.
Algebraic relationship in converter or flow Some, but not all, of the inputs to the converter or flow are displayed The equation is evaluated using the inputs that are showing on the diagram. The software attempts to neutralize the inputs that are not showing. If "+" is displayed to the left of the entity in the story sequence, all non-displayed inputs to the entity are given a value of 0 in the entity's equation logic. If "*" is showing next to the entity in the story sequence, all non-displayed inputs to the entity are given a value of 1 in the evaluation of the entity's equation logic. Use the algebra controller button in the Create Story dialog box to change the evaluation of non-displayed inputs.

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